Operational and supply chain complexity found to negatively affect occupational injuries

Do increasing degrees of operational complexity and supply chain complexity negatively impact occupational injuries? Yes, according to a new study.

This study posted soon explored the links using US data, and how absolute level of complexity and changes in the level of complexity exert a negative effect on a company’s safety performance.

They differentiated between endogenous complexity (emanating from a company’s own operations, e.g. operational complexity) and exogenous complexity (emanating from the environment or market).

They found:
·        Accidents, as a form of disruption “are strongly affected by multiple forms of complexity that are detached from the immediate operations of a firm”

·        The link between complexity and injuries aren’t limited to the internal operational complexity, but influenced by exogenous factors, like markets

·        Hence, their research “conceptually and empirically [confirms] that supply chain and market complexity have negative implications for occupational safety

·        Changes that increase the amount of complexity “lead to an increase in the number of occupational injuries but, conversely, that decreasing the level of complexity does not significantly reduce injuries”

·        the “core takeaway from this research is that increased complexity, regardless of whether that complexity is exogenous (e.g. supply chain or market complexity) to a company’s own operations, is bound to create spillovers in the form of harder-to-coordinate chains and more disruptions, including accidents”.

Authors: Chen, Y., Wiengarten, F., Fan, D., & Pagell, M. (2024). Complexity and Change: Antecedents of occupational injuries. Safety Science, 176, 106560.

Study link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106560

My site with more reviews: https://safety177496371.wordpress.com

LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/benhutchinson2_do-increasing-degrees-of-operational-complexity-activity-7205333669782167552-PiBN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

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